La Paz to San Evaristo : April 26 through May 2, 2023

Sea of Cortez La Paz to San Evaristo: 51 Nautical Miles La Paz to Caleta Partida April 26 through May 2, 2023 Our first anchorage out of La Paz was Caleta Partida, which was about 21 miles from La Paz on the north side of Espirtu de Santo. Unfortunately, we didn’t stop at any of the beautiful beaches and anchorages on Espirtu de Santo partly due to our schedule but also due to the Corrumels ; the corrumels are westerly winds that are pretty strong this time of year and it makes western facing anchorages pretty uncomfortable. Caleta Partida provide excellent protection from the nightly corumels; it’s actually located on the north side of Espirtu de Santo and on the south side of Isla Partida. The water, which is typical for most the anchorages in the Sea of Cortez, was various shades of turquoise blue – it’s incredible. I saw a sea turtle – one of my favorites! - swimming next to our boat shortly after anchoring. Caleta Partida Anc...