San Evaristo to Puerto Escondido: May 2 to May 6, 2023, 69 Nautical Miles

San Evaristo to Puerto Escondido: May 2 to May 6, 2023, 69 Nautical Miles We sailed from San Evaristo to Puerto Los Gatos on May 2, which is about 28 nautical miles. Puerto Los Gatos has beautiful pink and red rocks on the north side of the bay. It’s on the Baja Peninsula but is uninhabited. When we got there, there was a large group of sea kayakers that were kayaking from Loreto to La Paz with the help of a tour guide and a couple of power boats. We went snorkeling in the bay and saw a lot of different types of fish. On May 4, we left Los Gatos and sailed about 18 miles to Agua Verde. Agua Verde is a larger fishing town than San Evaristo and has two beach restaurants, a fairly well stocked tienda, and goat herds that they use to make fresh goat cheese (it was delicious!). Agua Verde restaurant - huge & tasty fish tacos for $2! It’s a popular anchorage due to its beauty, good snorkeling, beautiful water, an...