We Bought a Boat!!

Here is our boat!!! After searching Yacht World for a year and looking for that "perfect" boat, we finally found her! Truth be told, no boat is perfect but we love her just the same. :-) She's a 43' 2003 North Wind that was built in Spain and had only previous owner, Tom & Alissa (who were super nice and took great care of their boat). It has a center cockpit, which allows you to stand up in our aft stateroom. Other features I really appreciate include the swim deck, raised deck saloon (it makes it really bright inside), and the wide decks above. We took possession & spent the first night on h er on Dec. 9, 2022. Tom & Alissa named her Alegria, i.e. "Joy", which is a great name but we're changing the name to something personal to us (more on that later). Saloon & forward view Tom & Alissa - the original owners of Alegria Looking toward the galley and companionway One of the two heads/bathrooms T's vanity/desk & clo...